Web 3.0 Vs 5G

The world is changing every day. Technology has become a significant part of every economic sector, whether health, finance, industry, or entertainment. 

I’m sure you must have heard of Web 3.0, 5G, and the metaverse, and you don’t understand how these technologies are revolutionizing the world. Many people are still confused about these technologies and their functionalities, so we will talk about Web 3.0 and 5G independently and how they are slightly dependent on each other to perform. 

Web 3.0 is the third version of the web; before the development of Web 3.0, there was Web1.0, which was the static phase of the internet where the internet was open-source, and users were only allowed to download information without interaction, and Web2.0, which is an interactive phase of the internet where users can not only download, they can also upload and react on the internet. 

Therefore, The entire idea of Web3 is to take all the awesome properties of Web2 and make them open-source with the aid of blockchain technology. Web3 is a decentralized technology that cuts out the middleman and spreads ownership among users. You can call it the internet that is owned by users.  

5G is the fifth generation of wireless data networks that will operate entirely in the cloud and potentially be 100 times faster than 4G. 

5G will usher in a new way of doing things with faster speed, lower tenancy, and wider bandwidth coverage. 

With the possibilities available in Web 3.0 and the network advantage that 5G offers, when these two technologies come together, they will give birth to a whole new technological era where: 

  • Self-driving cars can communicate with each other
  • Virtual reality (Metaverse) will be possible and faster
  • Wireless medical surgeries can be done
  • Wireless Industrial Assembling of Machines and Goods 
  • Machine Self-diagnosis 

The best part is that you and I (users) will be a significant part of this era. 

Please visit us @GoSpeedHub on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more information.

Photo by Ales Nesetril

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