Solar Panel – Feeding Devices From The Sun

It is common knowledge that the energy from the sun is trapped by ChlorophyII in green plants for energy generation and food production for the world population. 

Green plants are not the only system that capitalizes on solar energy for survival; solar panels also feed from the sun to meet the world’s need for power generation. 

It cannot be argued that the discovery of solar energy sources is gradually causing a shift in electric power generation. 

How Does A Solar Panel Work? 

Solar panels harness energy from the sun through technically built photovoltaic cells made of disparate semiconductors that emit photons, resulting in the movement of electrons that translates to direct current (d.c) flow. 

D.c batteries generate and store this kind of electric current. However, the direct current generated cannot power our electronic devices because of the difference in the current type. 

For a solar system to power electronic devices, an inverter is connected to convert direct current to alternating current, which is similar to the type of current distributed by the local power generating company. 

Just because solar panel gets energy from the sun, what then happens on a cloudy day? A solar energy source is an all-time energy supply; even on cloudy days, power is generated, but at a reduced efficiency.

Technology is currently feeding from natural sources, and that is why its continuity is guaranteed, especially energy generation from solar energy. 

It has been reported that solar panels have the potential to power even a whole country, tackling the challenge of power shortage. 

While installing a home-use solar generating system is capital intensive, it has been found to save cost in the long run. 

However, the only hindrance to a solar system is any interruption to sun rays (trees, shades) to the solar panel. 

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Photo by Anders J

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