Most Recommended Electric Toothbrushes

Good oral hygiene is essential. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth two times daily, using a good toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to maintain a healthy gum and teeth. 

Using a manual or electric toothbrush does not determine the teeth’ cleanliness. It is how well it performs that matters. 

Electric toothbrushes are created with features like vibration, Bluetooth connectivity, and companion applications to ease the brushing process. 

Before shopping for an electric toothbrush, you should know the features to look out for, the benefits, and the limitations. 

Most recommended electric toothbrushes and their features;  

  • Oral-B Pro 7000 SmartSeries Rechargeable Toothbrush; Comes with a companion application that helps track your daily brushing habit and enlightens you on the most important parts of your mouth while brushing.
  • Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9700 Electric Toothbrush; Also comes with an application that gives a progress report on your brushing. It has a sensor that helps predict when you are brushing too soft or too hard. it has three brush heads, a brush body, and a case for travel convenience. 
  • Foreo ISSA 3; Made for sensitive gums and designed to tackle critical oral parts in a short time. It has a very long battery life and gentle cleaning nature. 
  • ProClinical 250+; Designed by Colgate and is very affordable. It has an inbuilt timer and is very comfortable for traveling. Although it has low-tech features, it still performs oral cleaning effectively. 
  • RotaDent ProCare Toothbrush; Has a 360-degree rotating head and gives room for you to experience a different feeling while brushing with different brush heads. It has fast and effective cleaning power. 
  • Colgate Magik Smart Toothbrush for Kids; was explicitly designed for kids to make brushing fun and excite them. It comes with an application that navigates games to teach kids effectively how to brush their teeth. The toothbrush has soft bristles in a pack containing a toothbrush holder and a phone holder.  

Benefits of an electric toothbrush

The use of an electric toothbrush eases the cleaning of the mouth. It is more effective in removing bacteria and plaque-causing gum disease or bad breath. It is best recommended for people with disability and mobility challenges. 

Patients who have dental decay are also advised to use an electric toothbrush. 

Limitations of an electric toothbrush

The patient might only be cleaning a section of their mouth at times, believing the brush would get to the other parts. 

Also, the electric toothbrush is not recommended for an aggressive brusher to avoid bleeding gum or tooth injury.

For more information, please visit us @GoSpeedHub on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

Photo by Giorgi Iremadze on Unsplash

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