How To Make Money with Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria

The online space has made it convenient and easy for Nigerians to make money from the comfort of their homes, and one such way is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a referral program where individuals promote products to earn a commission. 

A simple illustration to understand the concept of affiliate marketing. 

· Affiliates post an ad about a product. 

· Customers click on these ads. 

· Buy the product. 

· Affiliates get commissions after the product is sold (the commission percentage depends on the affiliate program). 

The good news is you do not need to be certified to become an affiliate marketer in Nigeria; you can decide to become one and start today via these simple steps. 

1.               Be willing to learn 

The first step in becoming an affiliate marketer is to be willing to learn and unlearn at any time. Take mistakes as part of the process and work towards perfecting your skill every day. 

2.               Find a Niche 

Niche is an area of focus for products you want to specialize in and promote. You can promote many items in the affiliate marketing space, such as fashion, travel, health and wellness, finance, etc. Research these niches and find the area that suits you best. 

3.               Pick a Traffic Source 

You can advertise products through different platforms, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, email, etc. Pick a platform that you can navigate and manipulate easily. A place where you can push traffic to yourself or which already have a substantial amount of traffic there. 

4.               Join an Affiliate Program 

Affiliate programs are platforms where you gain access to affiliate products to promote and earn commissions. 

To become an affiliate marketer, you need affiliate products, and before you can get such products, you need to be part of an affiliate program that gives you access to these products. Examples of affiliate platforms are Shopify, Amazon Associates, Expertnaire, and eBay. 

5.               Create compelling content 

To persuade people to buy your products, you need to create excellent and convincing content that will cause them to click on your affiliate link. The content should align with the advertisement platform you chose to drive traffic. 

6.               Gain clicks on your link 

Make sure you give your target audience quality content that will push them to want to click your link and purchase the product you are advertising. 

Affiliate marketing will help you make money online and increase your marketing skills so you can take on other jobs. It is essential to know that all these things do not happen in one day. You will need to be consistent and focused on making sales. What is your opinion on affiliate marketing? Is it something you’ll be interested in venturing into? 

If you are already an affiliate marketer, what is your advice for newbies in the industry? How profitable has it been for you?

Join the conversation; follow us on LinkedinFacebookInstagram, and Twitter at GoSpeedHub.

Image by Yourschantz

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