Netflix Now Lets Everyone Remove Content From ‘Continue Watching’

Netflix, the movie streaming giant, has finally added the option for users to manually delete shows and movies from their ‘continue watching row.”

” The Continue watching row” is annoyingly one of the first rows you interact with on Netflix’s movie streaming platform.

Thankfully we can now get rid of those half-watched movies bugging us on Netflix’s user interface. The option is available on Netflix web, Netflix mobile App, and Netflix TV.

To remove a show or movie, all that is required is to click on the movie or show of choice, scroll down to the new “Remove from Continue Watching” option, and click.

In the event of accidental removal, one is required to click a second time on the option to undo.

Starting today, members around the world can remove a TV show or movie from your ‘Continue Watching’ row on all devices, including TV, with the click of a button. Click on a show or film, and select “Remove from Continue Watching” from the page options. If you change your mind, you can also undo that removal by clicking the back arrow button.

Whether you’re deleting a new pick you’re not feeling, an old favourite you’ve rewatched too many times or Marie Kondo-ing your whole row, this new button lets you constantly keep your ‘Continue Watching’ row fresh and filled with the shows and movies you can’t wait to watch.


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Photo Credit – Netflix

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