Best Websites To Learn UI/UX Design For Free

UI/UX Design has been one of the most in-demand tech jobs in recent years, and bcoming a professional requires some training and consistent practice. The following platforms offer available UI/UX design courses for beginners:


This learning platform has a UI/UX design course that provides the basics of design to beginners. From the introductory courses, you can move to the intermediate level and become better over time, and you will earn a certificate every step of the way.


This is an exclusive course that is created and taught by UX design experts. The course covers the basics of UX design with live Q&A sessions, 1-on-1 sessions with various design mentors, and ways to develop your design portfolio for job openings, which includes interactive mock tests for job interviews.

Code Academy

This is one of the biggest platforms to learn different tech jobs, UI and UX included. They have a certified course in partnership with Figma, and the whole course takes 5 hours to complete. With the help of a focus timer, you can set your focus on how much time you want to use for each lesson. There is a community forum that students can use to interact with other students and professionals about their design journey.

Future-skills Prime

There is a 43-hour UI/UX design course that is sponsored by Adobe, which we all know is the leading company in providing design environments. This self-paced course contains many levels of learning that help individuals who want to break into technology have a solid understanding of design fundamentals and laws. After completing the course, students will be awarded a certificate by Adobe.

UX Academy

Here, students can learn the product, UX, and even voice design from design experts. It has different levels of self-paced courses for beginners and intermediate designers. There are weekly mentorship sessions and assessments with real-world company projects so students can build their portfolios. There are more advanced classes, but those are available in the paid version.

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Image Source – Freepik

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