Social Networks Becoming Semi-Automated 

Social media tech companies have begun to add AI chatbot features to create a more chatty experience.

LinkedIn network leads the social media community as it announced the use of Generative AI to automate posts on its platform.

LinkedIn’s editorial team and human experts develops the new feature known as “LinkedIn’s AI-powered conversation starters”, which is now available on the platform. The new feature is designed to initiate a conversation so as to engage users on interesting search topics.

Moreover, the use of AI chatbots on social media platforms is gaining importance in social media engagement, as the technology has been employed to generate images, videos, text and music. The AI tool chatbot has also been used in Whatsapp Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to engage users on Whatsapp chats.

Whatsapp Business App, one of Meta’s messaging app has a good automation capability for users with high message inflows, helping users respond to a large number of programmed messages, and can connect with other messaging automation app which offers a larger virtual environment to automate messages, while unrecognized or peculiar messages are handled by the user.

Prognosticating, future AI could be able to send and/or reply to personal messages based on the users’ preferences when trained to understudy the user’s messaging style and lifestyle without the user presetting a message.

Since AI-generated content serves as an excellent potential to increase user engagement and is also useful in automating messages, the system could disguise itself as a human, mimicking real posts when not labelled.

Even though AI has been used as a content filter on Facebook, one of Meta’s networking platforms, Facebook is yet to adopt the Generative AI feature.

Snapchat announced the use of “My AI chatbot”- a ChatGPT feature, and Discord is using it to enhance its in-app conversation. The Meta group is not left behind as it is currently developing “AI personas” to provide various features to users.

As social media gets more semi-automated, many questions come to mind; how will automated posts be differentiated from real posts? Will automated posts be tagged for easy identification? If that is done, will users enjoy discussing real-life issues with a machine as if it were a human?

Another question that should be considered is whether the long use of AI-generated content would influence users’ preferences to engage more in human–machine chat, thereby reducing human–human engagement for which social media networks were primarily created for.

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Photo by NCSC

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