Jack Dorsey Apologizes For Recent Twitter Layoffs

There seems to be a lot of uncertainty in the Twitter workspace as the new CEO and owner, Elon Musk, moved to fire thousands of Twitter employees, including 15% of the company’s trust and safety unit and 50% of its overall workforce, amounting to 3,700 employees across the overall Twitter organization in just days of taking control of the social media giant. 

Due to this massive layoff, Jack Dorsey, the founder and former CEO of Twitter, came out on his official Twitter account to say, “Folks at Twitter past and present are strong and resilient.They will always find a way, no matter how difficult the moment. I realize many are angry with me. I own the responsibility for why everyone is in this situation.I grew the company size too quickly, and I apologize for that.” This statement is him seemingly trying to take all the blame off the new CEO while still stating that the layoff was necessary. 

On the other side of the table, the new CEO has defended his decision and says the company had no other choice since it is losing over 4 million dollars every day as major advertisers have pulled out of using Twitter as an advertising platform. 

These actions have caused a great decline in the company’s revenue, and to shoot up revenue, there have been some new revenue-generating strategies which include charging Twitter users an $8 monthly “blue tick” fee and also reducing the general workforce. 

Almost a week after the layoff, it seems the tech company realized that it really needed the services and expertise of some of its fired staff and has since reached out to just a handful of them, asking them to come back to the firm as they hold highly sensitive and necessary positions. 

Those not called back will have to settle for Jack Dorsey’s apology, but we all know that an apology does not get you a new job, nor does it put food on your table or pay your bills. 

There seems to be a rollercoaster of events occurring at Twitter, and these events are putting a lot of individuals in uncomfortable and confused states as to where the company is headed with all this and how the company will be able to rise from the numerous controversies surrounding it. 

What is the future of Twitter, and how will it be achieved with the available workforce? When the dust finally settles, we hope there will still be employees who can answer these questions. 

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