Amazon Media Chief Is Retiring

Jeff Blackburn, who has worked for the company for more than 25 years and in that time has helped to shape the company into what it is now and holds the position of senior media chief, has announced that he will be retiring in 2023. 

Blackburn oversees major parts of Amazon, such as Amazon Studios, Prime Videos, Music, Games, and Twitch. He made his intentions to retire known via an email sent to the staff, which says 

Team, some news today: I’m planning on retiring from Amazon in January after more than 25 years of working closely with the company since its 1997 IPO. The last 18 months have been a thrill working with all of you at GME and launching some of our biggest and boldest projects ever in entertainment and sports. But I’ve decided to spend 2023 differently, giving more time to family, and I feel strongly that this is the right decision for me. Andy and I have been working through a transition plan, and he’ll be sharing those details soon, so stay tuned. Amazon’s media, entertainment, and sports opportunities have never been bigger. I see exciting times ahead for you all. Please know that I’ll remain close—as a fan, mentor, and ambassador for Amazon’s creative businesses—forever. “I’m very grateful for all the close friendships across all the 25 years and all of the teams, studios, streaming services, and businesses that we were able to build together.” 

Blackburn joined Amazon in 1997 and guided the company through its initial public offering; he also worked closely with Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, as he was one of his closest and most longed-for associates. 

Blackburn left the company briefly in February 2021, returned to it in May after three months, and has decided to drop the baton in 2023. “I feel this is the right decision for me,” he said. 

Amazon announced that the media department led by Blackburn since his recent return in May will now be overseen by two current executives, Mike Hopkins (current head of Amazon Prime) and Steve Boom (head of music and podcasts team), who will report to Amazon CEO Andy Jessay. 

Amazon witnessed mass layoffs this year, which will most likely extend into the new year, as it has already notified that it will lay off over 260 coworkers across various Amazon facilities. The company has informed its workers about an impending layoff; a few employees were also offered a buyout option. 

A new era seems to be dawning at Amazon as most of the people who founded the company and made it what it is today have decided to retire and pave the way for new, young, and vibrant individuals that will take Amazon into a new dispensation. 

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Photo by Amazon

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