Best Sites To Get Tech Jobs

It has become really easy to get tech jobs online as many websites now connect employers to job seekers no matter the field. These sites post onsite and remote positions, and their salaries are usually attached; here are the top 10 websites to get tech jobs. 


This job-searching social media platform is one of the best places to get jobs, especially tech jobs. It has an “easy apply” feature that helps users submit their LinkedIn profile and their actual application resume with one click. It also makes it easy for job seekers to connect with employers in a safe space. Another great thing is that many jobs posted on LinkedIn have the recruiters’ information, so you can know more about the company you are applying to. 


This website is very flexible for tech job seekers and helps them filter jobs based on salary range. You can also take skill proficiency tests and interviews on Indeed. 


There are a lot of tech jobs available on Glassdoor. You are also given access to questions you can expect to see during the interview process.  


This platform helps tech employers post job openings, so qualified individuals can apply for them. 


If you are a woman in tech, it is great to know that you, too, are not left behind as tech platforms post jobs from companies that specifically support women. 


This site features high-quality jobs with very good pay in various tech fields, not just the popular ones. Jobs that are not known by many can also be found on this site. 


Angel.Co is a one-stop destination for job listings from tech startups. Here, tech startups post job positions they want people to fill. If you are interested in working for a startup company, this website is for you. 


The ladder site is known for attracting high-level employers and is the best place to get a high-level job. 

Crunch Board 

The Crunch Board is a job board subsidiary of the popular tech blog known as TechCrunch. It is a very good place to get a job in the tech industry. 


This site is mainly known for connecting developers so that they can be assisted with their coding. Still, there is also an available job platform on it where top tech recruiters hire skilled professionals. 

Which of these sites have you used, and which do you think is best when looking for a job? 

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Photo by Andrew Neel

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