The Metaverse And All It Entails

Since July 2021, when Facebook announced that it was changing its name to Meta and heavily investing in the Metaverse; there have been a lot of questions and uncertainty about this technology, especially from those that are not in the tech industry, the most common question being, “What is the Metaverse?” 

The Metaverse is simply a virtual universe that will coexist with the physical in which people use their digital avatars (a 3D representation of individuals in the virtual world) to perform various activities online. 

This virtual reality will be completely digital, and users can access it using hardware devices. 

This virtual universe was first introduced in 1992 when Neal Stephenson, an American novelist, spoke in his novel “Snow Crash” about a virtual world where people would play, work, and live online using digital avatars.

He called it the “metaverse,” a combination of two Greek words, “Meta” meaning beyond and “Verse” meaning universe. He said the Metaverse would be the successor of the internet. 

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg describes it as “the internet you are inside of rather than just looking at.” 

The Metaverse offers experiences, not just sight and sound, like on the conventional internet. In the meta, you are no longer an observer but a participant in virtual action.

Although gaming platforms already offer similar features, the Metaverse will be more advanced, not just a gaming environment but complete cyberspace. 

With the metaverse technology, many conventional activities will be transformed, not just gaming and virtual presence.

It will change areas like education through not just technical knowledge but practical emersion, professional meetings from physical and zoom calls, and even entertainment, where you can attend a concert virtually with millions of people from all over the world, etc. 

Undoubtedly, the Metaverse will be an evolution of the internet. 

As tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook continue spending billions to create this virtual space that will provide a lot of exciting virtual features, there are some questions in mind: do we really need an imaginary reality? 

As we try to get closer to each other virtually, will it cause us to drift apart physically? 

Let us know your views about anything and everything concerning the Metaverse in our comments section. 

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Photo by julien Tromeur

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